Emit's new TFP3 control unit is mainly used for orienteering, sprint orienteering, ski orienteering and fixed installations. Can also be used as a starting unit in cross-country skiing.
TFP3 has a mode switch that allows it to be used as both TFP and TFT. In TFP mode, TFP3 behaves in the same way as a traditional TFP control, with a fast poling speed and a range of approximately 75 cm. In TFT mode, TFP3 has a slower polling rate and a range of approximately 30 cm. TFP3 sends a code from 100 to 199, which is registered and stored by emiTags that come within the field.
The LED on the emiTag starts flashing rapidly when the TFP3 control code is registered, and after the race is completed, all registrations can be read.
The TFP unit comes with 2 AA batteries, which are designed to last for 30 days in TFP mode and 6 months in TFT mode. Rechargeable batteries can also be used. Two brass screws, for mounting the TFP3 on Emit's post stands , are also included. For mounting on wooden trestles, we recommend using screws that are 4 x 30 mm with a round head – not countersunk!
TFP3 is usually delivered with codes from 100 to 199 - in addition to START and FINISH - but other codes can also be delivered if desired. Control codes are entered in the comments field.
Support page: TFP3