EMIT AS and Kaukametsäläiset ry agree on a new 5-year contract 2025-2029
Tommy Jauhojärvi, CEO EMIT AS and Juhani Sihvonen, Chairman of Kaukametsäläiset ry EMIT AS and ...
arntech GmbH announces acquisition of EMIT AS
The German company arntech GmbH is pleased to announce the successful acquisition of the Norwegian ...
2G network is being phased out
Telenor is modernizing its mobile network and phasing out 2G. The 2G network will continue to work in 2025, then ...
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Emit 40 years
In 1981 Per Svendsen and Per Aage Stokseth started the company Regnly. The company started with production ...
Equipment grants
There are many different grant schemes for purchasing equipment for sports teams. Have you checked if...
New Web Pages
Emit has launched new web pages with a new webshop. If there's anything you miss from...
Ukens løype and Easy Timing
Emit has long had plans to build a selftiming solution one can use in orientation, ...