Emit has for a long time had plans to build a Self Timing solution for orienteering, but also other sports.
When the coronavirus struck in March, orienteering quickly became popular. That's why we created a solution called veckansbana.se. Peter Löfås, who runs Emit in Sweden, was responsible for the development. He started with Veckans Bana in Dalarna where he lives and since then it has spread throughout the country. We have also created a Norwegian and Finnish version, ukensloype.no and viikkorastit.com respectively. In Norway, Asker and Sør-Trøndelag have tried the Self Timing solution.
Easy Timing is a Self Timing solution. For example, it can be used in orienteering by making a course with control units from start to finish. After running, you can read the emiTag at a reading station. The club could either bring the station in the forest or place it permanently in a clubhouse. Results and split times for all courses with a Self Timing solution are posted at timing.emit.se.
We have had some events in Sweden with this solution, e.g. KM sprint. You can find the results here.
To adapt to the current situation and make sporting events touchfree, we started developing this solution for Touch-Free. A solution for EKT will also be here in a short period of time.