The Emit eLine loop connects the ECB1 finish station or Emit Time Station ETS1/2, and is used in events where participants use emiTags. The loops are laid across the track/course where the participants pass. When the emiTag detects the loop, the sending of data to the ECB/ETS is activated. When used for the finish, two loops are used; a blue and a white, which gives an accuracy of about 1/100 sec. When used for intermediate use, a red loop is used, which gives an accuracy of about 1/10 sec.
eLine loop to ETS/ECB
2.220,00 kr
eLine loop for connection to the ECB/ETS.
Product number: 8720 Categories: emiTag , Other sports , Cross-country skiing , Orienteering , Self Timing , Biathlon Tags: eLine loop , loop