Electronic eCard that the runner uses to register punchings on control units in orienteering. The 2024 version of the ver.5 eCard comes in green/turquoise plastic. An elastic band for attaching the eCard to the finger is included. The battery in the eCard is not magnetic and therefore does not affect the compass.
When punching, the eCard registers the control code and running time. The eCard can store up to 50 split times. The times are stored internally in the eCard until it is reset on a starting unit. The Ver.5 eCard is active for 6 hours after the previous punching. It is recommended to replace the eCard when it is five years old.
- 5 year limited warranty
- Fully waterproof - Integrated backup provides security without the runner losing time.
- Very fast stamping. Less than 1/8 second is the required stamping time.
- Zeroing and activation of chip in one operation on start.
- Temperature range for use is -20 to +50 C