EMIT AS and Kaukametsäläiset ry agree on a new 5-year contract 2025-2029

Tommy Jauhojärvi, CEO EMIT AS and Juhani Sihvonen, Chairman of Kaukametsäläiset ry

EMIT AS and Kaukametsäläiset ry is pleased to announce on a new 5-year contract 2025-2029. Jukola will continue to use EMIT punching at Jukola for at least 5 years and there is also an option for 5 more years until 2034. The collaboration started back in 2015 and has been a great success for both parties.

“Our goal for 2015 was to use new punching and timing equipment in Jukola that fits well with both television broadcasts and liveresult services. This has been a great success for almost 10 years and we will continue this collaboration and development of Jukola resultservice”, says Tommy Jauhojärvi, CEO of EMIT AS.

“We have been satisfied with EMIT and the agreement makes it easier for organizers of the Jukola relay. With a long contract, we guarantee continuity and certainly in the results service. Emit is a reliable partner”, says Juhani Sihvonen, Chairman of Kaukametsäläiset ry

EMIT AS develops, produces and distributes the most commonly used timing equipment in Scandinavia. EMIT AS is the result of a merger between Regnly AS, established 1981 and Timetech AS, established 1984.

Kaukametsäläiset ry is the founder and owner of the Jukola relay.

For more information, please contact:
Tommy Jauhojärvi, CEO EMIT AS, tommy@emit.no

Juhani Sihvonen, Chairman Kaukametsäläiset ry, juhani.sihvonen1@gmail.com

Kauhava, Finland 15.06.2024